Friday, January 13, 2012

Why is Article Writing Beneficial for Your Website?

Ever wonder what an article would do for your boutique website?

Let's pretend you make and sell girls hair bows.  How in the world could an article help your website?

Let's explore! Pretend you write a wonderful article titled, "How to Create Little Girls Bows".  One of the main keywords on your website you target is "Little Girls Bows".  You article goes on and on with great instructions and reason why girls need bows.  At the end of the article you create just one text link. You link only the phrase: little girls bows, to your website.  This is called anchor text.  You can link it to your home page if that's a keyword your target to your home page or to your category which has little girls bows.

You submit your article to Ezine Articles, which is the largest and highest quality article directory.  Once published, you now have a text link or one way link to your site.  Now, you can change your article around a little bit and submit it to another article directory.  Now you have two text links.

Here's the really cool part.  Let's pretend that a craft blog now goes to Ezine looking for something to use on their blog.  They take your article and publish it.  Viola, you now have three text links to your website.

This does happen very frequently.  I've seen strange URL's linking to my sites in my stats and when I see what they have linking to me, it's my article published on Ezine.  Ezine is a place to take content to publish but you have to leave the links intact.  The next time you want to publish a blog but don't feel like writing, go to Ezine and search for a topic that would interest your readers and publish someone else's article on your blog.

What is the importance of these one way text links, you ask? The search bots see that Ezine and this craft blog have your site linked when they talk about "little girls bows".  So they assume that your site must be important to that search term.  The next time someone sits down at their computer and types in "little girls bows" into Google, Google will rank you site a little bit higher in the results.

I hope this helps answer why you should consider an article writing campaign for you boutique website.  It can, and will help by giving valuable one way links.  It needs to be done with the perfect keywords and it needs to be well written so the chances of it getting published by others is great.

Here are some of my articles published on Ezine.

A link to my article writing services.  :)